The positive spots of Online Education are:
- Watch the courses the time that is convenient for you
- Watch them from the comfort of the house
- It needn’t to move to another place and pay extra money for moving and staying
- Save time and money
- Online Courses are overdetailed
- You have the ability to watch them any time you need and note all the details.
- At Online Courses there are details that there aren’t said at a live course due to lack of time.
It is a usual query of students. They don’t know how to learn nail art and where to start.
I would like to emphasize that everyone can learn drawing. It needs only to follow the right way.
For all these reasons I prepared an Online Course created for anyone who don’t know to draw
Or want to evolve your drawing skills. It is the basic course of drawing. In the Course Fine Lines I offer you all the knowledge and information you need to learn drawing.
The duration of the course is 9 hours. It contains theory and practice.
The theory is enriched with photographic material for better understanding. Also, the most significant of this course is the 4 practice cards. They will help you to learn handling the brush, you learn how to draw toward all directions and how to draw fine lines. Last but not least, the only thing I want from you is to be disposed to do practice and trust me, you will have the best results.
You will gain a lot of positive characteristics learning to draw on nails.
- You will evolve.
- You will upgrade the level of your work.
- You will differ from the mass.
- You will transform the ordinary manicure into a masterpiece.
- The customers will have a lot of reasons to choose you.
- You will increase your daily income.
- You can create a collection with the designs you drew.
- You will create an interesting account on Instagram uploading your designs.
- You can participate at international competitions.